Monday, April 12, 2010

Well, this is appalling...

I had such fabulous intentions of keeping this blog up regularly, and look at how badly neglected it is! The first couple of months of 2010 all my free time was spent finishing writing the online version of my Writing Children's Books class, and I was on a totally immoveable deadline, and everything else had to take a back seat.

Of course, I also have had two kittehs to raise, and what an interesting few months it's been! The boys are well, apart from some nasty tummy business, and happy, although Cooper has turned into Mr Grumpy Pants a bit, but I loves them to bits and promise I will come and write a proper update soon.

In the meantime, here are some photos to enjoy of the growing boys, and may I also recommend you read this delightful blog post about cats in books from the terrific YA fantasy author Katherine Langrish.

I should also add that Cooper is now a lolcat and he and my desk were featured on the fabulous Tara Moss's blog series about writers' desks. Louis is about 4 times the size he was when I first brought him home, but he's still a liddle iddle thing, sunny-natured, squeaky and affectionate. I tweet and facebook about them a lot, and I do promise I'll blog more too. They deserve it!

Here are my boys!


  1. LOVE pictures 2 & 3. and Louis is doing a perfect cat circle in picture 3, like a model of a cat. yay kittehs! and congrats on turning cooper into a LOLCat!

  2. The last photo is so precious! Nawwww, they're spooning :D

  3. Hey thanks for being so quick to comment, guys! I have realised I have HUNDREDS of photos of the boys I haven't done anything with, because iPhoto has been borked for weeks and weeks... However, I have made Louis his own lolcat too! It's here:

    I'll be back soon, I promise.

  4. I love pictures 2 and 3 too. 2 is a classic! And how sweet to see Louis cuddling and washing Cooper :-)
